Acceptable Items

Acceptable Items:
Meat and bones.
Eggs, eggshells, and paper egg cartons.
Coffee grounds and filters.
Dairy products.
Small amounts of cooking oils.
Pasta and pasta sauce. (Meat sauces are acceptable.)
Pizza and all the toppings.
Food soiled cardboard. (Non glossy pizza boxes.)
Nuts and their shells.
Seeds. (Flax, Chia, Sunflower, etc.)
Paper napkins and paper towels. (As long as they haven't been used with chemical cleaners.)
Compostable paper plates, bowls, and cups.
Bamboo toothbrush handles. (No bristles.)
Pumpkins. (Carved and whole.)
Paper tea bags. (No need to remove the staple.)
Cardboard tubes from paper towel and toilet paper rolls.
House plants and flowers. (No spray painted flowers.) 
Cookies, crackers, cake, pie, and other baked goods.
Soups. (Soups containing meat are acceptable.)

*Dry items such as pizza boxes do not have to be ripped up or placed inside your bucket, simply place them outside next to or under your bucket.

Non Acceptable Items:
Dryer lint.
Plastics including fruit/vegetable stickers.
Cereal boxes, soda boxes, etc. (No glossy cardboard.)
Carnivore/omnivore animal and pet wastes. (Dog, cat, etc.)